TAB Distortion
The normalized distortion of droplets, y in Eqn. (3110). Only available when Temporary Storage Retained is activated in the Lagrangian Multiphase solver.
Function Name: TabDistortion
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: TAB Distortion
TAB Distortion Rate
The rate of change of TAB Distortion, y˙ . Only available when Temporary Storage Retained is activated in the Lagrangian Multiphase solver.
Function Name: TabDistortionRate
Dimensions: [/Time]
Default units: /s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: TAB Distortion
Tangential Bond Stress
The shear stress in the contact plane of a bond, used in damage and failure modeling. See σmax in Eqn. (3293). To access this field function, select the bonded particle models.
Function Name: TangentialBondStress
Dimensions: [Stress]
Default units: Pa
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Flexible Fiber, Particle Agglomeration, Particle Clumps
Tangential Velocity
The tangential component of velocity vt relative to the axis and origin in the coordinate system given under the Axis node of the region.

This field function is not available in Eulerian multiphase models for axisymmetric cases.

Function Name: TangentialVelocity
Dimensions: [Velocity]
Default units: m/s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Flow models
Target Strain Rate
The modulus of the strain rate tensor given by Eqn. (1129) and computed from the target velocity field vtarget .
Function Name: TargetStrain
Dimensions: [/Time]
Default units: /s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Anisotropic Linear Forcing
Taylor Micro Scale
The turbulent length scale λ , as defined in Eqn. (1486).
Function Name: TaylorMicroScale
Dimensions: [Length]
Default units: m
Type: Scalar
Activated by: K-Epsilon models, HB K-Epsilon models, K-Omega models, HB K-Omega models, Reynolds Stress models, RNG K-Epsilon
Requires: Temporary Storage Retained (turbulence solver, such as K-Epsilon Turbulence solver)
The temperature as calculated by the energy solver.

In a multiphase continuum, a version of this field function is created for each phase.

Temperature of [phase]
The effective volume of the Eulerian phase.
Function Name: EffectiveVolume[phase]
Dimensions: [Temperature]
Default units: K
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Dispersed Multiphase (DMP), Eulerian Multiphase (EMP), Volume of Fluid (VOF) Multiphase, Mixture Multiphase (MMP)
Temperature Coefficient
The temperature coefficient is defined as:
  • T is the temperature.
  • Tref and ΔTref are the Reference Temperature and the Reference Temperature Delta that you specify in the field function, respectively.
In a multiphase continuum, a version of this field function is created for each phase.
Function Name: TemperatureCoefficient
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Coupled Energy, Coupled Solid Energy, Segregated Fluid Enthalpy, Segregated Fluid Temperature, Segregated Multiphase Temperature, Segregated Solid Energy
Temperature on External Side
The temperature of the external side of a boundary between the environment and an internal domain. Available only when an environment condition is applied.
Function Name: ExternalTemperature
Dimensions: [Temperature]
Default units: K
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Coupled Energy, Coupled Solid Energy, Segregated Fluid Enthalpy, Segregated Fluid Temperature, Segregated Solid Energy
Temperature Gradient
Temperature gradient (see Eqn. (1661)).
Function Name: TemperatureGradient
Dimensions: [Temperature/Length]
Default units: K/m
Type: Vector
Activated by: Finite Element Solid Energy
Temperature Gradient of <Phase> @ <Critical Temperature>
The Temperature Gradient of the melting-solidifying phase at the critical temperature.
Function Name: TemperatureGradient<Phase>_<CriticalTemperature>
Dimensions: [Temperature/Length]
Default units: K/m
Type: Array
Activated by: Criteria Functions
Temperature Time Derivative
Derivative of the solid temperature with respect to time.
Function Name: TemperatureTimeDerivative
Dimensions: [Temperature/Time]
Default units: K/s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Finite Element Solid Energy
Thermal Conductivity
Scalar value that reflects this material property according to the method that you defined for the physics continuum.
This field function is a scalar value and therefore not populated in regions where thermal conductivity is defined by an anisotropic tensor.
In a multiphase continuum, a version of this field function is created for each phase.
Function Name: ThermalConductivity
Dimensions: [Power/Length-Temperature]
Default units: W/m-K
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Coupled Energy, Coupled Solid Energy, Finite Element Solid Energy, Segregated Fluid Enthalpy, Segregated Fluid Temperature, Segregated Solid Energy, Viscous Energy
Thermal Conductivity Tensor <nn>
Any of six components of the symmetric tensor describing thermal conductivity of solids in anisotropic regions. <nn> can be XX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, or YZ.
Function Name: ThermalConductivityTensor<nn>
Dimensions: [Power/Length-Temperature]
Default units: W/m-K
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Coupled Solid Energy, Segregated Solid Energy
Thermal Resistance
The temperature difference across an object when a unit of heat flows through it in a unit of time.
Function Name: ThermalResistance
Dimensions: [Length2-Temperature/Power]
Default units: m2-K/W
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Coupled Energy, Coupled Solid Energy, Segregated Fluid Enthalpy, Segregated Fluid Temperature, Segregated Solid Energy
Thermal Strain Tensor
Represents the thermal strain tensor in Eqn. (4452).
Function Name: ThermalStrainTensor
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: SymmetricTensor
Activated by: Material Laws with Thermal Expansion models
Thickness Surface Term [Receiver Name]
p′T(x,t) in Eqn. (4760) for general flows and in Eqn. (4762) for flows with rigid body motion or moving reference frames. In each equation, the field function is normalized with face-area. The displacement of fluid as the body passes generates the Eqn. (4751) noise. For stationary bodies (such as side view mirrors and circular cylinders) the thickness surface term is zero.
Function Name: [Receiver Name]::ThicknessSurfaceTerm
Dimensions: [Mass/Length3-Time2]
Default units: kg/m3-s2
Type: Scalar
Activated by: On-the-Fly FW-H
ThreeZeroDiameter of <phase>
d30 in Eqn. (2181), Eqn. (2182), and Eqn. (2183).
Function Name: ThreeZeroDiameter<Phase>
Dimensions: [Length]
Default units: m
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Discrete Quadrature S-Gamma
TFC Activity Indicator
The volume in which the Turbulent Flame Speed Closure (TFC) model alters the chemical and diffusion terms to propagate the premixed flame front at the specified turbulent flame speed.
Function Name: TfcActivityIndicator
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: n/s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Turbulent Flame Speed Closure (Complex Chemistry)
TFC Reaction Rate
The TFC reaction rate that is used in clustering is the target source from the TFC model for Yc , that is ω˙Yctfc in Eqn. (3435).
Function Name: TfcReactionSource
Dimensions: [Mass/Volume-Time]
Default units: kg/m3-s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Turbulent Flame Speed Closure (Complex Chemistry)
Displays the current physical time in the simulation. Used by all but the steady time model.
Function Name: Time
Dimensions: [Time]
Default units: s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Time models
Time Averaged Boundary Heat Flux
This field function provides the boundary heat flux, averaged over time, on the fluid side of a fluid-solid interface boundary, based on Sliding Sample Window Size and Sampling Delta Time properties of the Time Averaging Parameters node.
To make this field function available, select the Averaged option for Time Averaging Option on solid side interface boundary. See Explicit Energy Coupling Thermal Boundary Conditions.
Function Name: TimeAveragedBoundaryHeatFlux
Dimensions: [Power/Length2]
Default units: W/m2
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Coupled Energy, Coupled Solid Energy, Segregated Fluid Enthalpy, Segregated Fluid Temperature, Segregated Solid Energy
Time History: [Field Function]
Used to visualise the time history of the exported surface spectra field data.
Function Name: Time History:[FieldFunction]
Dimensions: [Field Function Specific]
Default units: Field Function Specific
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Surface Spectra
Time Integrated Specific Current Density Squared
Displays on the surface, the time integral of the square of the specific electric current which is used in the starting criterion during the current time step, when the Electro-Deposition Coating property, Starting Criterion, is set to Minimum Specific Current Squared Time Integral.
Function Name: TimeIntegratedSpecificCurrentDensitySquared
Dimensions: Electric Charge^2/Length^4-Time
Default units: s-A^2/m^4
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Electro-Deposition Coating
Time Level
Displays the current time level of the simulation. Used by all Unsteady Models.
Function Name: TimeLevel
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Time models
Time Step
Displays the current time-step of the simulation. Used by all Unsteady models.
Function Name: TimeStep
Dimensions: [Time]
Default units: s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Time models
Topology Derivative
Outputs the derivative of the optimization Largrangian function w.r.t the material indicator . Includes the effects of the penalty terms and Lagrange multipliers.
Function Name: TopologyDerivative
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: n/a
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Topology Optimization
Topology Hole Source

Indicates the propensity of the optimizer to introduce a hole in the domain. Positive values of the Hole source indicate that solid material will be introduced. The rate at which solid material is introduced is governed by the Source Strength setting in the Topology Optimization model.

Function Name: TopologySource
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: n/a
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Topology Optimization
Requires: Temporary Storage Retained (solver)
Topology Interface Indicator

Indicates the fluid/solid interfaces within the domain. This quantity which ranges between 0 and 1 is the basis for modification of the linear system in the PDE wall distance solver. Cells identified as a material interface (i.e wall) are input as a wall boundary condition to the wall distance solver, consequently the wall distance is then set to zero for those cells. Only available with the PDE wall distance method for turbulence of the primal flow while solving topology physics.

Function Name: TopologyInterfaceIndicator
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: m/s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Topology Physics
Topology Interface Movement

Indicates the propagation speed of the level set interface. If the optimization stalls, make sure that the values are not too small.

Function Name: TopologyVelocity
Dimensions: [Length]
Default units: m
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Topology Optimization
Requires: Temporary Storage Retained (solver)
Topology Level Set

Outputs the level set variable that controls the material distribution in Eqn. (5138). Positive values correspond to the primary material. Negative values correspond to the solid material. If the optimization stalls, check that both positive and negative values of this field function appear in the optimization domain.

Function Name: TopologyLevelSet
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: n/a
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Topology Optimization
Topology Level Set Correction
Outputs the corrections of the level set computed every iteration—a debugging quantity if the level set equation fails to converge.
Function Name: TopologyLevelSetSource
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: n/a
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Topology Optimization
Requires: Temporary Storage Retained (solver)
Topology Level Set Gradient
Defines the normal direction for the interface. Magnitude is used for AMR. Only available if temporary storage is enabled.
Function Name: TopologyLevelSetGrad
Dimensions: [/Length]
Default units: /m
Type: Array
Activated by: Topology Optimization
Topology Level Set Residual
Represents the residual of the level set equation—a debugging quantity if the level set equation fails to converge.
Function Name: TopologyLevelSetResidual
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: n/a
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Topology Optimization
Requires: Temporary Storage Retained (solver)
Total Absorption Coefficient
The blackbody-emissive-power-weighted absorption coefficient within the domain. For gray radiation, this property is simply the gray absorption coefficient. For spectral radiation, it is defined as:


where n is the index of refraction, Eb is the blackbody emissive power and the subscript i denotes the band.

Function Name: TotalAbsorptionCoef
Dimensions: [/Length]
Default units: /m
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Participating Media Radiation (DOM), Participating Media (Spherical Harmonics), Volumetric Photon Monte Carlo Radiation
Total Conditional Fuel Mass Fraction
Yfuelu in Eqn. (3837).
Function Name: Total Conditional Fuel Mass Fraction
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: ECFM-3Z, ECFM-CLEH
Total Emissivity
The blackbody-emissive-power-weighted emissivity at the boundary. For gray radiation, this property is simply the gray surface emissivity. For spectral radiation, this property is defined as:


where n is the index of refraction, Eb is the blackbody emissive power and the subscript i denotes the band.

Function Name: Total Emissivity
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Participating Media Radiation (DOM), Participating Media (Spherical Harmonics), Surface-to-Surface (S2S) Radiation, Volumetric Photon Monte Carlo Radiation
Total Energy
E in Eqn. (1657).
In a multiphase continuum, a version of this field function is created for each phase.
Function Name: TotalEnergy
Dimensions: [Energy/Mass]
Default units: J/kg
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Coupled Energy, Coupled Solid Energy, Segregated Fluid Enthalpy, Segregated Fluid Temperature, Segregated Solid Energy, Surface Photon Monte Carlo Radiation
Total Enthalpy
The total enthalpy H is the sum of static enthalpy plus kinetic energy:
  • h is the static enthalpy
  • v is the velocity vector.
In a multiphase continuum, a version of this field function is created for each phase.
Function Name: TotalEnthalpy
Dimensions: [Energy/Mass]
Default units: J/kg
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Coupled Energy, Coupled Solid Energy, Harmonic Balance, Segregated Fluid Enthalpy, Segregated Fluid Temperature, Segregated Multiphase Temperature, Segregated Solid Energy
Total Pressure
The total pressure (gauge) is the pressure that is obtained from isentropically bringing the flow to rest. For an ideal gas with constant specific heat, it is defined as


where Pabs , Pref , M and γ are the absolute pressure, reference pressure, Mach number, and ratio of specific heats, respectively.

For alternate equations of state, or a non-constant specific heat, Pt is obtained by integrating dh=dP/ρ from static conditions to total conditions.

Function Name: TotalPressure
Dimensions: [Pressure]
Default units: Pa
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Flow models, Harmonic Balance
Total Pressure Coefficient
The total pressure coefficient is defined as:
  • Pt is the total pressure.
  • Pref , ρref , and vref are the Reference Pressure, Reference Density, and Reference Velocity that you specify in the field function, respectively.

This field function is not available in Eulerian multiphase models.

Function Name: TotalPressureCoefficient
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: Pa
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Flow models
Total Surface Term [Receiver Name]
p′S(x,t) in Eqn. (4759). The summation of the Loading Surface Term and the Thickness Surface Term for a particular source surface generates the Total Surface Term.
Function Name: [Receiver Name]::Total Surface Term
Dimensions: [Mass/Length3-Time2]
Default units: kg/m3-s2
Type: Scalar
Activated by: On-the-Fly FW-H
Total Temperature
The total temperature is the temperature that is obtained by isentropically bringing the flow to rest. For an ideal gas with constant specific heat, it is defined as:


where T , M , and γ are the static temperature, Mach number, and ratio of specific heats, respectively.

Function Name: TotalTemperature
Dimensions: [Temperature]
Default units: Kelvin
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Harmonic Balance, Segregated Multiphase Temperature
Total Viscosity
The sum of the solvent viscosity μs in Eqn. (707) and the ViscoelasticEquivalentViscosity (see below). Use TotalViscosity for shear driven flows or elongational flows where there are non-zero shear strain rates. Do not use it in flows with free surfaces or axes of symmetry. In complex flows where the shear strain rates drop to very small values, TotalViscosity becomes very high and can result in singularities.
Function Name: TotalViscosity
Dimensions: [Pressure-Time]
Default units: Pa-seconds
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Viscoelastic
Track: Parcel Index
The identifying parcel index, stored on the boundary crossed by the parcel.
Function Name: TrackParcelId
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Boundary Sampling
Track: Position
The parcel position, stored on the boundary crossed by the parcel.
Function Name: TrackCoord
Dimensions: [Length]
Default units: m
Type: Position
Activated by: Boundary Sampling
Track: Time
The time at which a parcel crosses a boundary, stored on the boundary.
Function Name: TrackTime
Dimensions: [Time]
Default units: s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Boundary Sampling
Transition Boundary Distance
The transition boundary distance, which is defined as the distance from the field point to the nearest point on a transition boundary.
Function Name: TransitionBoundaryDistance
Dimensions: [Length]
Default units: m
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Transition Boundary Distance
Transition Boundary Distance Factor
An integer number that is zero when the transition boundary distance is less than the wall distance, and unity when it is greater.
Function Name: TransitionBoundaryDistanceFactor
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Transition Boundary Distance
TransitionMark of Particle Diameter Criterion of [phase interaction]
Gives the integrated results for all the defined transition criteria. A value of 1 indicates which Lagrangian parcels transition to an MMP phase at any given time-step.
Function Name: TransitionMarkParticle Diameter Criterion[phase interaction]
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Subgrid Transition
TransitionMark of Stokes Number Criterion of [phase interaction]
Provides the particle diameter criterion transition mark. A value of 1 indicates which Lagrangian parcels satisfy the particle diameter criterion and are candidates for transitioning to an MMP phase at any given time-step.
Function Name: TransitionMarkStokesNumber Criterion[phase interaction]
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Subgrid Transition
TransitionMark of User Defined Criterion of [phase interaction]
Provides the transition mark when a User Defined criterion is used for the Lagrangian-Eulerian Transition Criteria. A value of 1 indicates which Lagrangian parcels satisfy the User Defined criterion and are candidates for transitioning to an MMP phase at any given time-step.
Function Name: TransitionMarkUSerDefined Criterion[phase interaction]
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Subgrid Transition
Transition Momentum Thickness Reynolds Number
The transported variable Reθt¯ , see Eqn. (1511).
Function Name: TransitionReTheta
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Gamma ReTheta Transition
Translation Velocity
For translation, Vg,t in Vg=Vg,t .
Function Name: TranslationVelocity
Dimensions: [Velocity]
Default units: m/s
Type: Vector
Activated by: Translation Motion
Turbulent Flame Speed
st , defined by either Zimont Eqn. (3445) or Peters Eqn. (3450).
Function Name: TurbulentFlameSpeed
Dimensions: [Velocity]
Default units: m/s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Turbulent Flame Speed Closure (Complex Chemistry)
Turbulent Charge
The value that is defined as n=L , where L is the lamb vector.

This field function is not available in Eulerian multiphase models.

Function Name: TurbulentCharge
Dimensions: [/Time2]
Default units: /seconds2
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Flow models
Turbulent Dissipation Rate
For K-Epsilon models and Reynolds Stress models, the scalar field that represents the transported variable ε .
For K-Omega models, the scalar field that represents the dissipation rate in the turbulent kinetic energy transport equation. It is defined as β*fβ* ωk as in Eqn. (1215).
Function Name: TurbulentDissipationRate
Dimensions: [Length2/Time3]
Default units: m2/s3
Type: Scalar
Activated by: K-Epsilon models, HB K-Epsilon models, K-Omega models, HB K-Omega models, Reynolds Stress models, RNG K-Epsilon
Requires: Temporary Storage Retained (turbulence solver, such as K-Epsilon Turbulence solver)
Turbulence Intensity
The turbulence intensity, defined as I=2/3k/U
Function Name: TurbulenceIntensity
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Gamma ReTheta Transition, Gamma Transition
Turbulent Kinetic Energy
The transported variable k .
Function Name: TurbulentKineticEnergy
Dimensions: [Length2/Time2]
Default units: m2/s2
Type: Scalar
Activated by: K-Epsilon models, HB K-Epsilon models, K-Omega models, HB K-Omega models Reynolds Stress models, RNG K-Epsilon
Turbulent Schmidt Number of <passive scalar>
Turbulent Schmidt Number of a particular passive scalar material. This field function is activated only when you select the turbulent viscous option. This can be a constant or a field function.
Function Name: Passive ScalarTurbScNumber
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Passive Scalar
Turbulent Viscosity
The turbulent viscosity μt in Eqn. (2837) and Eqn. (2838).
Function Name: TurbulentViscosity
Dimensions: [Pressure-Time]
Default units: Pa-s
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Spalart-Allmaras models, K-Epsilon models, K-Omega models, HB Turbulence models, Reynolds Stress models, LES and Subgrid Turbulence models, RNG K-Epsilon
Turbulent Viscosity Ratio
The ratio of turbulent to laminar viscosity μt/μ .
Function Name: TurbulentViscosityRatio
Dimensions: [Dimensionless]
Default units: N/A
Type: Scalar
Activated by: Harmonic Balance Turbulence models, Spalart-Allmaras models, K-Epsilon models, K-Omega models, Reynolds Stress models, RNG K-Epsilon
Turb Wall Distance Re
The wall distance Reynolds number Red , as defined in Eqn. (1134).