Surface Photon Monte Carlo (SPMC) Radiation Model Reference

The Surface Photon Monte Carlo method (SPMC) uses probability distributions to model photon transport in a way equivalent to solving the radiative transfer equation (RTE). Given its statistical nature, accuracy and computational cost both increase with the number of photon bundles used in the simulation. However, if the high cost can be paid, the SPMC method can give high accuracy in cases where other methods cannot.

Like the Surface-to-Surface Radiation model, this model applies to regions without participating media, which do not absorb, emit, or scatter radiation. Only surfaces have radiation properties: emissivity, reflectivity, transmissivity, and radiation temperature. This model also handles refractive effects.

The SPMC model solves for the RTE directly by providing a statistical representation of the radiative processes of emission, absorption, reflection, and transmission for the participating surfaces. In this model, photon bundles ( representative samples of radiative energy) are traced according to the probability density functions of the radiative processes, and statistics are computed to obtain the radiative heat exchange between surfaces. To obtain meaningful statistics, a large number of photon bundles are usually required, so the associated computational costs can be high. Furthermore, for combined-mode simulations where temperature fields are changing, the SPMC computations need to be done at every iteration, which can make SPMC computationally expensive.

To alleviate these issues, the SPMC model provides the following options:

  • SPMC model uses smart sampling and efficient boundary interaction to minimize the required number of rays to be traced.
  • The SPMC solver has an update frequency option, so as to not invoke the SPMC calculations at every iteration. The temperature fields often undergo very small change from iteration to iteration, so it is then computationally efficient to perform SPMC computations only after every five or ten iterations. The default value is 1, that is, at every iteration.
  • The SPMC model also allows for aggregating the statistics over iterations via the use of the statistical sampling factor in the SPMC solver. This ensures that you do not have to use a large number of rays in the SPMC computations, and the statistics for the radiative quantities of interest can be aggregated over several iterations. See this link for more information on the statistical sampling factor. See Statistical Sampling Factor .

The Surface Photon Monte Carlo model can apply to a multi-part object only when used with the Gray Thermal Radiation model. Inputs must be specified per-boundary.

Theory See 后处理表面辐射交换.
Provided By [physics continuum] > Models > Radiation
Example Node Path Continua > Physics 1 > Models > Surface Photon Monte Carlo
  • Space: Three Dimensional
  • Optional Models: Radiation
Activates Boundary Inputs See Surface Photon Monte Carlo Boundary Settings.
Region Inputs See Surface Photon Monte Carlo Region Settings.
Solvers Photon Monte Carlo. See Photon Monte Carlo Solvers.
Field Functions Boundary Irradiation, Boundary Irradiation on External Side, Boundary Mean Radiant Temperature, Boundary Radiation Heat Flux, Boundary Radiation Heat Flux on External Side, Boundary Radiosity, Boundary Radiosity on External Side, Radiation Patch Id, Radiation Patch Id on External Side, Total Emissivity, Voxel partition.

The Surface Photon Monte Carlo model is not compatible with the Axisymmetric or Two Dimensional models.

Surface Photon Monte Carlo Boundary Settings

Free Stream, Pressure Outlet, Wall, and Inflow Boundaries
Custom Patch Angularity Specification
Patch angularity defines the maximum allowed angle between the normals to contiguous boundary faces for these faces to belong to the same patch. It provides a control over the patch planarity and is used to detect sharp angles in the geometry, such as would happen at a corner, and to prevent patches from bridging such features. The angularity is set at 150 degrees by default and would require changing only in cases where specific geometric features must be captured.
Custom Patch Angularity SpecificationCorresponding Physics Value Nodes
Use Region Values
Uses the values specified in Angularity in the region.
Customise Locally
Patch Angularity
The maximum allowed angle.
Custom Patch Specification
The number of patches and patch angularity can be further refined or customized at individual boundaries under the Physics Conditions node. Specifies whether the number of patches is set to Use Region Values or custom values. When you choose either Proportion of Faces or Total, the corresponding value node appears for the boundary, and you can then enable Specify by Part Subgroup.
If a region-level patching specification has Specify by Part Subgroup on, the Use Region Values option cannot be used for interface boundaries corresponding to boundary-mode interfaces in that region. Boundaries for contact-mode interfaces do support this option. See Interface Options.
Custom Patch SpecificationCorresponding Physics Value Nodes
Use Region Values
Uses the values specified in Patch Specification Properties in the region.
Proportion of Faces
Patch/Face Proportion
Specifies the target for the fraction of patch allocated to each boundary face. The target number patches on a boundary = (Patch/Face Proportion /100 )* number of faces on boundary (or the portion of the boundary in the part subgroup, if Specify by Part Subgroup is on). A setting of 25 means that the target is to give each face 25% of a patch, so that 80 faces would be targeted to get 20 patches and each patch covers four faces. The default setting is 100, that is, each gets 100% of a patch—each boundary face has a patch. This setting is also the maximum.
Specify by Part Subgroup
When On, allows you to specify the target for the fraction of patches allocated by subgroups within the boundary or region. See Applying Quantities by Subgroup. When Off, allows specification by Patch/Face Proportion for the entire boundary or region. The default is Off.
Number of Patches
Specifies the target for total number of patches using Number Of Patches under Physics Values. The total number of patches for a boundary cannot be less than one and cannot be more than the total number of faces on that boundary..
Specify by Part Subgroup
When On, allows you to specify the target for the fraction of patches allocated by subgroups within the boundary or region. See Applying Quantities by Subgroup. When Off, allows specification by Number of Patches for the entire boundary or region. The default is Off.
Radiation Flux Option
This option allows you to model diffuse or directed radiation sources at boundaries according to your own specification. See Diffuse Radiation Flux and Directional Radiation Flux.
Radiation Flux Option Corresponding Physics Value Nodes
No flux None
Diffuse radiation flux
Diffuse Radiation Flux
The diffuse radiation flux is specified as a scalar profile. Requires the Multiband Thermal Radiation or Gray Thermal Radiation model. See Diffuse Radiation Flux.
Directional radiation flux
Directional Flux Orientation
The direct radiation flux is specified by its direction (default [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) and the divergence angle of the beam (default zero).
Directional Flux Power Distribution
The power of the directional flux is specified as a scalar profile. In addition to standard profile methods, a Gaussian method is also available. Requires the Gray or Multiband Thermal Radiation model.

Surface Photon Monte Carlo Region Settings

Patch Angularity
Patch angularity defines the maximum allowed angle between the normals to contiguous boundary faces for these faces to belong to the same patch. It provides a control over the patch planarity and is used to detect sharp angles in the geometry, such as would happen at a corner, and to prevent patches from bridging such features. The angularity is set at 150 degrees by default and would require changing only in cases where specific geometric features must be captured.
Patch Specification
Overall description of this condition node.
Patch Specification Corresponding Physics Value Nodes
Proportion Of Faces
Patch/Face Proportion
Specifies the target for the fraction of patch allocated to each boundary face in this region. The target number patches on a boundary = (Patch/Face Proportion /100 )* number of faces on boundary (or the portion of the boundary in the part subgroup, if Specify by Part Subgroup is on). A setting of 25 means that the target is to give each face 25% of a patch, so that 80 faces would be targeted to get 20 patches and each patch covers four faces. The default setting is 100, that is, each gets 100% of a patch—each boundary face has a patch. This setting is also the maximum.
Number of Patches
Specifies the target for total number of patches using Number Of Patches under Physics Values. The specification method seeks to allocate patches from the total number in proportion to the number of discretized faces on each boundary (or, with Specify by Part Subgroup on, the portion of the boundary in the part subgroup) so that a boundary with twice as many faces gets twice as many patches. The total number of patches for a region cannot be less than the total number of boundaries or more than the total number of faces on all boundaries. The total number of patches for a boundary cannot be less than one and cannot be more than the total number of faces on that boundary.
Radiation Transfer Option
Specifies that a region uses S2S radiation. Either a baffle or porous baffle must be placed between any two regions where only one region has this option activated. This baffle ensures that rays do not pass into regions where S2S is deactivated from regions where it is activated.
Radiation Transfer Corresponding Physics Value Nodes

Activates S2S transfer in the region. This is the default.


Deactivates S2S transfer within the region while boundaries participate in S2S exchange from the external side. Used for opaque regions.

Internal and External

Boundaries have dual-sided radiation transfer and participate in S2S transfer both internally and externally.


Deactivates S2S transfer for the boundaries of the region.


Photon Monte Carlo Solver Properties

Provides additional output during the Photon Monte Carlo calculations.
No output.
Displays ray tracing progress.
Displays additional progress and resource usage information.
Child Nodes
Surface Ray Tracing Parameters
Rays Per Patch
The average number of rays (photon bundles) traced from each patch. The default is 10.
Maximum Polygons Per Voxel
Controls the resolution of the voxel mesh that is used in ray tracing. Lowering the value increases the resolution of the voxel mesh. This property generally does not need to be changed from the default value of 50. Increasing the number slightly decreases memory requirements, but can also slightly increase the calculation time.
Max Ray Bounces
The number of times a ray can bounce off a surface when being traced. The default is 1000.
Environment Load Parameters
Rays Per Patch
The number of rays traced from each patch for computing environment loads. The default is 128.
Statistical Sampling Factor
Sampling Factor
A constant or user-defined field function specifying what fraction of the latest PMC computation (at a given iteration) contributes to the aggregated solution. At a value of 1, the aggregated solution is set to the latest PMC ray tracing solution, whereas a value of 0 means that the aggregated solution stays unchanged. For a value of 0.5, the aggregated solution is updated by taking half of the latest solution and half of the previous aggregated solution. See Statistical Sampling Factor.

Use high sampling factors at the start of the simulation or during any simulation transients, since that will lead to faster feedback of radiative solutions into the energy equation and, consequently, faster evolution of the temperature fields. This is similar to the use of under-relaxation factors for flow and energy, where using low factors while the solution is evolving negatively impacts the solution convergence. A small value of sampling factor behaves likewise; it leads to radiative source terms that are not truly indicative of the temperature fields, which slows down the further evolution of the solution.

Update Frequency
Iteration Update Frequency
Specifies how often the Photon Monte Carlo calculations are solved. The default is 1 (once every iteration for steady runs, once every time-step for unsteady runs). A value of 10 would mean once every ten iterations for steady simulations, every ten time-steps for unsteady simulations.