- Capillary Number of [phase interaction]
- This scalar field function is defined at wall boundaries and can be used in the definition of a user field function to specify your own user-defined dynamic contact angle correlation.
- Cartesian Element Type
- Cavitation Rate of [phase interaction]
- The volumetric rate of evaporation: the amount of vapor (in cubic meters) that is created per cubic meter per second.
- Cavitation Saturation Pressure of [Phase Interaction]
- For both single component phases and multi-component phases.
- Cavitation Saturation Temperature of [Phase Interaction]
- For both single component phases and multi-component phases.
- Cell Azimuth of [Virtual Disk]
- Gives the angular position of a cell within the virtual disk with respect to the local coordinate system of the virtual disk.
- Cell Aspect Ratio
- This field
function is used to identify regular polygonal cells from skewed or
stretched cells. A value of 1 indicates that the cell is a regular polygon,
and a value close to zero would represent a highly stretched cell. This
ratio is defined as:
where is the number of dimensions (three for a 3D mesh and two for a 2D mesh). is the number of faces of the cell. is the volume of the cell. is the cell face area vector and is the position vector from the face centroid to the cell centroid.
- CellBoundaryLayer
Function Name: CellBoundaryLayer
Dimensions: [Dimensionless] Default units: N/A Type: Scalar Activated by: - Cell Cluster Index
- Identifies each cell cluster using an individual index. Can be used to visualize the clusters within a scalar scene or create a threshold derived part or cell sets to be used in a report.
- Cell Index
- This field function displays the index for each cell. The index is only unique within the portion of the mesh for a given region on the local partition. So if you have R regions that are partitioned across P processors there are R*P cells with index 0 (assuming enough cells to allocate at least one per region per partition). It is not an ID, it is an offset.
- Cell Part Index
- The Index value of the part that is associated with a given cell. Generated by the meshing process. Also used in parts-based reporting.
- Cell Quality
- This field function is determined from the relative geometric distribution of the cell centroids of the face neighbor cells and the orientation of the cell face. Generally, flat cells with high non-orthogonal faces have low cell quality. A cell with a quality of 1.0 is considered perfect.
- Cell Relative Velocity
- The fluid flow velocity at the cell centroid relative to the cell centroid due to motion.
- [Cell Set 1]
- This field function allows you to identify a collection of predefined cells. Cell sets can be created using a cell list, a scalar threshold or a zone and can be modified using a number of global options. For more information see Using Cell Sets.
- Cell Size
- description
- Cell Warpage Quality
- Identifies thin and warped cells.
- Centroid
- Displays the position of the face or cell centroid. At face and cell centroids, the value is the same as the Position field function.
- Chevron Quality Indicator
- This field function identifies chevron cells. Chevron cells are pairs of thin slender cells which meet at a common face at an angle such that the line joining the cell centers does not pass through the common face. Chevron cells are marked as 1.0 and every other cell as 0.
- CFL Number (CF)
- The CFL number controlled by the expert driver.
- Charged Species Mobility of Electron
- Mobility of electrons, .
- Charge Number of [Species]
- Charge number, of species . A separate scalar field function is available for each species.
- Chemistry Heat Release Rate
- The chemistry heat release shows the amount of heat that is released due to complex chemistry reactions, in Eqn. (3366).
- Chemistry Heat Release Rate Indicator
- The chemistry heat release rate is in Eqn. (3367) for the partially-premixed Chemical Equilibrium model, and is not available for the non-premixed Chemical Equilibrium model.
- Chemistry Time Step
- For steady state simulations, the chemistry time step is the total time that is spent integrating the chemistry in the cell.
- Chevron Quality Indicator
- This field
function is used to identify chevron cells. These cells are pairs of thin
slender cells that share a common face whose angle is such that the line
joining the cell centers does not pass through the common face. This
indicator function marks chevron cells as 1 and every other cell as 0. A
chevron quality norm
, as defined below, is used to determine
whether a cell can be classified as a chevron cell or not. The chevron
quality norm is computed using a vector
that is projected from the face center to
the line joining the cell centers:
- is the face area vector.
- is the vector from the face center to the cell center.
- is the vector connecting the two cell centers.
- is the vector from the face vertex to the face center.
- The max function, in evaluating the chevron quality norm, is taken over all the face vertices.
The chevron quality norm is:
- 1 for orthogonal cells in which the line connecting the two cell centers passes through the face centroid
- 0 when the line passes through an edge of the face
- negative when the line is outside the face.
The chevron quality indicator is marked 1 when the chevron quality norm is negative.
- ChimeraGridTestData
- Used to check the interpolation error at the Overset Mesh Interface.
- Clustering Equivalence Ratio
- The clustering equivalence ratio is defined as the fuel to oxidizer ratio divided by the stoichiometric fuel to oxidizer ratio.
- Clustering Index
- Clustering index is an integer value showing the cluster that the cell belongs to. Values of zero represent cells which are not chemically active, such as cells with a temperature below the Minimum Temperature for Reactions.
- Clustering Mixture Fraction
- The clustering mixture fraction is defined as the atomic mass fraction that originates from the fuel stream. Since the fuel is assumed to be hydrocarbons, the clustering mixture fraction is the mass fraction of C and H in the cell.
- Coal Moisture Latent Heat of Vaporization (H2O)
- Moisture latent heat for the water coating the coal particle. S Droplet Evaporation.
- Coal Moisture Saturation Pressure (H2O)
- Moisture saturation pressure for the water coating the coal particle. See Droplet Evaporation.
- Collision Efficiency
- Random number used in the collision outcome algorithm to define the result of collision (bounce, graze, coalescence, reflexive separation). (NTC Collision Model Reference) .
- Collision Outcome
- The outcome of a droplet's most recent collision: 0 =no collision, 1 = grazing separation, 2 = bounce, 3 = coalescence, 4 = reflexive separation.
- Combustion Scalar Diffusion Coefficient
- in Eqn. (3534) — for the unnormalized progress variable
- Compression Force
- The sum of contacts over the parcel, in Eqn. (3251) or in Eqn. (3268).
- Computed Contact Angle of [phase interaction]
- The contact angle of the phase pair at a wall boundary. This angle is computed based on the angle that the free surface makes with the wall. The free surface itself is given by the volume fraction field.
- Concentrated Solution Correction to Salt Diffusivity
- in Eqn. (4104).
- Condensation Rate of [phase interaction]
- The total phase change rate for droplet growth rate and nucleation (mass) rate in kg/s m3.
- Conformation Tens. [mode]
- The tensor used in the square-root conformal form to define the stress tensor 0 in Eqn. (710). The conformation tensor is defined for each individual mode and is available whether or not the square-root conformal mode is activated
- Connected Cells
- Scalar field function that checks the connectivity of the volume mesh. Can be used to check for small non-contiguous cell islands in a single region or to check that all pieces of a multi-region simulation are thermally connected.
- Constraint Force
- Vector field function that represents the reaction forces at constrained boundaries and at interfaces.
- Contact Angle of [phase interaction]
- The surface tension contact angle. This scalar field function is defined at wall boundaries.
- Contact Area of [Phase Interaction]
- The contact area of the phase.
- Contact Centroid
- The coordinates of the contact point between colliding particles.
- Contact Damping Force
- The non-elastic component of the contact force between two particles, that is, the contact force minus the elastic component.
- Contact Elastic Force
- The elastic component of the contact force between two particles, that is, the contact force minus the damping component.
- Contact Force
- The total contact force between two particles, that is, the damping force plus the elastic force. See in Eqn. (2959).
- Contact Gap
- Scalar field function that represents the contact gap between the solid surface and rigid obstacle. The contact gap is defined as the distance between a point on the solid surface and the closest-point projection on the rigid obstacle surface. For the contact gap calculation, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ considers a single closest point for all the surfaces of the rigid obstacle. For very large penetrations, this closest point may not correspond to the expected physical contact direction.
- Contact Mass 0|1
- The mass of one of the two particles (0 or 1) in a collision.
- Contact Normal
- A unit length vector perpendicular (orthogonal) to the contact plane.
- Contact Normal Overlap
- The contact normal vector that is multiplied by the overlap, giving the direction and magnitude of the particle overlap, normal to the contact plane.
- Contact Overlap
- The amount of overlap between two particles or a particle and wall boundary upon contact. This overlap occurs as the particles are modeled using soft-particle formulation, which permits a small overlap. To access this field function, select the DEM Particles and DEM Phase Interaction.
- Contact Physical Radius 0|1
- The radius of one of the two particles (0 or 1) in a collision.
- Contact Poisson Ratio 0|1
- The Poisson ratio for one of the two particles (0 or 1) in a collision.
- Contact Pressure
- For Mortar discretization of a rigid contact, represents the Cauchy contact pressure ( in Eqn. (4482)) between the solid surface and the rigid obstacle. Positive pressure corresponds to a compressive load.
- Contact Radius 0|1
- The radius of one of the two particles (0 or 1) in a collision.
- Contact Surface Velocity 0|1
- The surface velocity vector at the point of contact for one of the two particles (0 or 1) in a collision. , where and are the linear and angular velocities of the particle, is the position of the contact, and is the position of the particle. If phase 1 is a boundary, then the surface velocity is the velocity on that boundary.
- Contact Tangential Overlap
- The magnitude and direction of the particle overlap, tangential to the contact.
- Contact Temperature
- The temperature at the point of contact between DEM particle and DEM particle or between DEM particle and wall [97]. The contact temperature is calculated as:
- Contact Temperature 0|1
- The temperature of one of the two DEM particles or of a DEM particle and a wall in a collision.
- Contact Time
- When two DEM particles or a DEM particle and wall boundary make contact, that is, Contact Overlap is greater than zero, the contact time of the contact pair is accumulated until the pair is separated.
- Contact Time Area of [Phase Interaction]
- The contact area multiplied by the contact time of the phase.
- Contact Time of [Phase Interaction]
- The contact time
of the phase, which equals Contact Time Area divided by Contact Area.
This is only an approximation of the actual contact time; its accuracy depends on the simulation. For example, consider a fluid rising in a vertical tube that has a decreasing cross-sectional area. When the area is initially large, the contact area multiplied by contact time is also large. At the end, the free surface of the fluid reaches the height with a small cross-sectional area. If the accumulated value of contact area multiplied by contact time is divided by the recent smaller cross-sectional area, the calculated contact time can exceed the simulation time.
- Contact Torque
- Moment in Eqn. (2961).
- Contact Young's Modulus 0|1
- The Young's modulus for one of the two particles (0 or 1) in a collision.
- Contiguous Stopped Region Index
- A domain-wide unique index of contiguous stopped regions. This is used to indicate that a cell belongs to a certain liquid zone enclosed by either flow-stopped cells or boundaries. Requires Temporary Storage Retained.
- Continuity Source of [Eulerian phase]
- The rate of mass transfer from the Lagrangian phase to the Eulerian phase through phase interaction.
- Convective Courant Number
- For unsteady simulations, the local convective Courant number, which is the ratio of the physical time-step to the mesh convection time scale, or . For moving mesh cases, is the velocity relative to the mesh.
- Cooling Rate of <Phase> @ <Critical Temperature>
- The Cooling Rate of the melting-solidifying phase at the critical temperature.
- CO Pollutant Mass Fraction
- CO mass fraction that is provided by the ECFM-CLEH CO Emissions model.
- Co-Simulation Exchange
- Represents the number of exchanges between the coupled simulations.
- Co-Simulation: Exported [Field Name]
- The selected field exported from Simcenter STAR-CCM+ to the partner simulation.
- Co-Simulation: [FMU Variable Name]
- This field function stores the spatially-uniform field constricted from the imported FMU value.
- Co-Simulation: Imported [Field Name]
- A field imported from the partner simulation when a co-simulation starts running.
- Co-Simulation Map Face Error
- Indicates error when mapping field data onto faces.
- Co-Simulation Map Vertex Error
- Indicates error when mapping field data onto vertices.
Coupling Acceleration
- Accelerations of the end points of the coupling.
Coupling Id
- Index of the coupling.
Coupling Velocity
- Velocities of the end points of the coupling.
- Cumulative Morpher Displacement
- Records dynamically the total displacement the mesh deformation morphed.
- Curle Acoustic Power
- The local acoustic power. Computed with Eqn. (4665).
- Curle Acoustic Power DB
- The acoustic power per unit volume, which can be reported using dimensional units ( ), defined in Eqn. (4667).
- Current [circuit name] [circuit element]
- For each circuit element, the corresponding field function is created. Represents the electric current through the circuit element.
- Cylinder Height
- The height of the cylinder of a capsule, cylindrical or fiber particle.
- Cylinder Radius
- The Radius of the cylinder of a capsule, cylindrical or fiber particle.