Thickness Ratio

The Prism Layer Thickness Ratio is the ratio of the thickness of the prism layer next to the core mesh to the thickness of the prism layer next to the wall.

A stretch factor is automatically calculated for the intermediate layers. The minimum allowed value is 1.0.

The default Prism Layer Thickness Ratio value of 1.5 means that the inner most layer is 1.5 times the thickness of its outer most layer. Valid values of thickness ratio are given in the table below.

Stretching Function Valid Values of Thickness Ratio

Geometric Progression

≥ 1.0

Hyperbolic Tangent

> 1.0

You can define the Prism Layer Thickness Ratio using a constant value or global parameter (see Global Parameters). In addition to the global control, local control is available.

When using Parts Based Meshing:

  1. Set the Custom Controls > [Surface] > Controls > Prism Layers property to Custom .
  2. In the Prism Layers node, activate Customize Distribution.
  3. Under the Values > Custom Prism Values node, a local value of the Prism Layer Thickness Ratio can be set on the chosen part surface.