Custom Mesh Controls

Custom controls override any default controls for the surface and volume meshers. This facility allows you to refine or coarsen the mesh for part curves, part surfaces, geometry parts, and specified volumes.

The following types of custom mesh controls are available:

You can define multiple custom controls on the same geometry. In case of conflict, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ uses the following tie-breaking mechanism:
  • When you use multiple custom controls on the same part or part surface, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ prioritizes the mesh settings that generate the smallest cell size.
  • When you use multiple custom controls across different part levels, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ prioritizes the mesh settings defined on the lowest level part or part surface.

    For example, if you specify a Target Surface Size of 0.1 mm at the part level and a Target Surface Size of 0.15 mm at the part surface level, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ uses the mesh settings defined on the part surface level.

When transitioning from one custom control to another, the mesh transitions based on the following rules:
  • If the mesh contains a constant number of layers, the mesh transition region is located on the side of discontinuity with the largest total thickness.
  • If the mesh contains a constant total thickness, the mesh transition region is located on the side of discontinuity with the highest number of layers.

When you overlap custom controls, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ selects the lowest total thickness and the highest number of layers.

Custom mesh controls are available for the Surface Wrapper and Automated Mesh operations.