Finding Objects Reference

You can use the Find Objects option to identify and locate specific Body Groups, Bodies, Faces, Edges, and Vertices. You can set criteria to refine your search.

Object Types and Attributes

Bodies Groups
Supports attribute search by Name only.
Supports attribute search by Name and Volume.
Supports attribute search by Name, ID, Area, and Radius.
Supports attribute search by Name, ID, Length, and Radius.
Supports attribute search by Name and ID.
Supports attribute search by Name only.

Attribute Search Criteria

Once you have selected the Object Type and Attribute, you can define the search criteria. The type of input for the search criteria depends on the chosen attribute.

To search by object Name, the search criteria must contain a string name.
To search by object ID, the search criteria must be an integer value.
Geometric options: Volume, Area, Length, or Radius
Search based on a geometric option. You can search for objects that have a specific geometric feature (such as the volume or length) within a specified range. For example, you can search for Faceswith and Area, Above 0.001 m^2.

Search Options

Once you have set the search criteria, you have the option to:

Search for all visible bodies or search the entire model, including hidden bodies. To search for visible bodies only, activate Select Visible Bodies Only. The search tool displays a message reporting the number of matching objects found and highlight matching objects in the scene.
Isolate Result
Toggles between displaying only objects matching the criteria or all objects.
Toggles between hiding objects that match the criteria or restoring all objects to the display.
Closes the dialog. The criteria settings are saved.