Preparing for Post-Processing

For visualization, you create scenes that display the temperature distribution throughout the gas and the manifold, and the deformation and stress on the manifold due to the temperature changes. To assess convergence, you monitor the heat flux at the CHT interface.

To visualize the temperature of the gas inside the manifold:
  1. Right-click the Scenes node and select New > Scalar.
  2. Rename the Scalar Scene 1 node to Fluid Temperature.
Create two plane sections that cut the gas region through its length:
  1. Right-click the Derived Parts node and select New > Section > Plane Section
  2. In the Create Plane Section editor:
    1. Set the following properties:
      Property Setting
      Input Parts Deselect all regions, then select the Internal Fluid part, including its part surfaces.
      Origin [0, 0, 0] m, m, m
      Normal [0, 0, 1] m, m, m
      Display Existing Displayer > Scalar 1
    2. Click Create then Close.
  3. Rename the Derived Parts > Plane Section node to Internal Fluid Section.
  4. With the same scene active, create another plane section with the following settings:
    Property Setting
    Input Parts Deselect all regions, then select the Fluid Outlet Extrusion and the Internal Fluid parts, including their part surfaces.
    Origin [0.155, 0.05, 0.01] m, m, m
    Normal [0.73, 0.0, 0.68] m, m, m
    Display Existing Displayer > Scalar 1
  5. Rename the Derived Parts > Plane Section node to Fluid Extrusion Section.
  6. Edit the Scenes > Fluid Temperature node and set the following properties:
    Node Property Setting
    Outline 1 Outline Deactivated
    Scalar 1
    Scalar Field Function Temperature
    Color Bar Color Map cool-warm
  7. Right-click the Scenes node and select New > Scalar.
  8. Rename the Scalar Scene 1 node to Manifold Temperature.
  9. Edit the Scenes > Manifold Temperature node and set the following properties:
    Node Property Setting
    Outline 1 Outline Deactivated
    Scalar 1
    Parts Parts Regions > Manifold
    Scalar Field Function Temperature
    Color Bar Color Map cool-warm
To visualize the manifold displacement:
  1. Right-click the Scenes node and select New > Scalar.
  2. Rename the Scalar Scene 1 node to Displacement.
To visualize the displacement field on the deformed geometry, create a vector warp:
  1. Right-click the Derived Parts node and select New > Warp > Vector Warp
  2. In the Create Warp Surface panel, set the following properties:
    Property Setting
    Input Parts Parts > Manifold
    Vector Displacement
    Scale Factor 30
    Display Existing Displayer > Scalar 1
  3. Click Create then Close.
  4. Edit the Displacement scene node, and set the following properties:
    Node Property Setting
    Outline 1 > Parts Parts Derived Parts > Vector Warp (deselect all other parts/regions)
    Scalar 1 Opacity 0.3
    Scalar Field Function Displacement > Magnitude
    Units mm
    Color Bar Color Map blue-red balanced
To visualize the undeformed geometry, add a geometry displayer to the scene:
  1. Right-click the Displacement node, and select New Displayer > Surface.
  2. Select the Surface 1 node and set the following properties:
    Node Property Setting
    Surface 1 Outline Deactivated
    Parts Parts Regions > Manifold
To visualize the stress distribution:
  1. Right-click the Scenes node and select New > Scalar.
  2. Rename the Scalar Scene 1 node to von Mises Stress.
  3. Edit the von Mises Stress node, and set the following properties:
    Node Property Setting
    Outline 1 > Parts Parts Regions > Manifold (deselect all other parts/regions)
    Scalar 1
    Parts Parts Regions > Manifold
    Scalar Field Function Stress Von Mises
    Units MPa
To monitor the heat flux on the fluid side of the CHT interface:
  1. Right-click the Reports node and select New > Flow / Energy > Heat Transfer.
  2. Select the Reports > Heat Transfer 1 node and set Parts to Regions > Fluid > Boundaries > Manifold/Fluid [1] node.
  3. Right-click the Heat Transfer 1 node and select Create Monitor and Plot from Report.
  4. Save the simulation.