Defining Mesh Operations
Complete the operations pipeline by adding mesh operations. In this tutorial, you generate a polyhedral mesh for the fluid and a tetrahedral mesh for the solid. To speed up convergence of the flow solution and prevent reversed flow at the outlet, you also extrude the fluid mesh at the outlet.
Start by defining the operations that generate the fluid mesh:
- Right-click the node and select .
In the
Create Automated Mesh Operation dialog:
- Rename the Fluid Polyhedral Mesh. node to
Define appropriate mesh controls. The curves on the fluid surface have a radius of curvature that is larger than the overall geometry length scales. To obtain a uniform mesh, you can deactivate the curvature and proximity refinement for the surface mesh:
Edit the
Fluid Polyhedral Mesh node and set the following properties:
Node Property Setting Perform Curvature Refinement Deactivated Perform Proximity Refinement Deactivated Default Controls Base Size
Base Size 2.0 mm Minimum Surface Size
Percentage of Base 25.0 Percentage of Base 64.0
To prevent reversed flow, you extrude the fluid mesh at the outlet. Although the extruded mesh is not an accurate representation of an exhaust pipe, it is appropriate for this case where you are mainly concerned with stress concentrations in the solid region. To extrude the fluid mesh at the outlet:
- Right-click the Operations node and select .
In the
Create Surface Extruder Operation dialog:
Rename the following nodes:
Node Rename to Operations Surface Extruder
Fluid Outlet Surface Extruder Volume Extruder
Fluid Outlet Volume Extruder Fluid Outlet Extrusion -
Expand the
node and set the following properties:
Node Property Setting Number of Layers Number of Layers 40 Stretching Function Stretching Method One Sided Hyperbolic
For the solid manifold, you define a mesh operation that generates a tetrahedral mesh. Tetrahedral meshes are suitable for finite element solvers.
- Right-click the node and select .
In the
Create Automated Mesh Operation dialog:
- Rename the Manifold Tetrahedral Mesh. node to
In this simulation, you assign multiple part surfaces to the same boundaries, based on the boundary conditions that you apply. During mesh generation,
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ automatically preserves the perimeter of boundaries, but not the perimeter of the single part surfaces. As later you constrain three surfaces that belong to the same boundary, instruct
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ to preserve the perimeter of each part surface during meshing:
- Select the Manifold Tetrahedral Mesh node and set Preserve Surface Perimeters to All part surface perimeters.
Expand the
node and set the following properties:
Node Property Setting Base Size Base Size 5.0 mm Minimum Surface Size Percentage of Base 50.0 The geometry parts and operations pipeline appear as follows:
- Save the simulation.