Modifying the Physics Continua to Model Volumetric Radiation Exchange

You modify the physics continua to model volumetric radiation exchange in the transparent solid components and surface radiation exchange in the opaque components.

In the physics continuum with participating media radiation, you specify an absorption coefficient of 2.5 /m for glass, the halogen bulb material, and 13.5 /m for PMMA, the lens material.
To modify the physics continua:
  1. Define an additional physics continuum for the transparent components:
    1. Copy the Continua > Solid Components node and paste it onto the Continua node.
    2. Rename the Solid Components copy node to Transparent Components VPMC.
    3. For the physics continuum Continua > Transparent Components VPMC, deselect the following models from the Enabled Models list:
      • Solar Loads
      • Refraction (Gray)
      • Gray Thermal Radiation
      • Surface Photon Monte Carlo
    4. Select the following models in order:
      Group Box Model
      Radiation Volumetric Photon Monte Carlo
      Gray Thermal Radiation (selected automatically)
      Refraction (Gray) (selected automatically)
      Solar Radiation Solar Loads
    5. Click Close.
    6. Edit the Transparent Components VPMC > Models > Multi-Part Solid node and set the following properties:
      Node Property Setting
      Material Properties
      Absorption Coefficient > Constant Value 2.5 /m
      Material Properties
      Absorption Coefficient > Constant Value 13.5 /m
  2. Rename the Continua > Solid Components node to Opaque Components SPMC.
  3. Save the simulation.