Running the SPMC Simulation

By default, the simulation stops after 1000 iterations. To judge convergence, you create two additional monitor-based stopping criteria.

The first stopping criterion is satisfied when the energy equation residual reaches a value of 4.0E-6. The second stopping criterion is satisfied when the maximum solid temperature stabilizes within a range of 0.001 K during 50 iterations.

To run the simulation:

  1. Create the energy equation residual based criterion:
    1. Right-click the Monitors > Energy node and select Create Stopping Criterion from Monitor.
    2. Select the Stopping Criteria > Energy Criterion node and set Logical Rule to And.
    3. Select the Stopping Criteria > Energy Criterion > Minimum Limit node and set Minimum Value to 4.0E-6.
  2. Create the maximum solid temperature based criterion
    1. Right-click the Monitors > Max Solid Temp Monitor node and select Create Stopping Criterion from Monitor.
    2. Select the Stopping Criteria > Max Solid Temp Monitor Criterion node and set the following properties:
      Property Setting
      Criterion Option Asymptotic
      Logical Rule And
    3. Select the Stopping Criteria > Max Solid Temp Monitor Criterion > Asymptotic Limit node and set the following properties:
      Property Setting
      |Max - Min| 0.001
      Number of Samples 50
The stopping criteria are set up in such a way as to stop the simulation when both of the monitor-based stopping criteria are satisfied or when the number of iterations exceeds 1000.

The simulation is now set up and ready to run.

  1. Click (Run).
  2. When the solution is complete, save the simulation .