Preparing for Post-processing

You prepare visualization of the oil velocity and the oil volume fraction on the gears. The oil volume fraction on the gears shows the extent to which the gears are wetted after contact with the liquid. You monitor and plot the evolution of gear torque against physical time. Additionally, you plot the accumulated number of particles that are removed from the simulation as they cross the bounding box.

To set up scenes and plots:
  1. Create a scene to visualize the oil velocity:
    1. Right-click the Scenes node and select New > Scalar.
    2. Rename the Scenes > Scalar Scene 1 node to Oil Velocity.
    3. Edit the Oil Velocity node and set the following properties:
      Oil Velocity
      Outline 1Opacity0.1
      Scalar 1Point Scale ModeParticle Model
      PartsPartsRegions > gearbox
      Scalar FieldFunctionVelocity: Magnitude
      Auto RangeOff
      Max1.5 m/s
      AnnotationsAnnotations[Solution Time]
    4. Click (Save-Restore-Select Views), then select Views > +X +Y +Z > Up +Z.
  2. Create a scene to visualize the gear wettability:
    1. Copy the Scenes > Oil Velocity node and paste it onto the Scenes node.
    2. Rename the Oil Velocity copy node to Oil Volume Fraction.
    3. Edit the Oil Volume Fraction node and set the following properties:
      Oil Volume Fraction
      Scalar 1Contour StyleSmooth Filled
      • Parts > gear
      • Parts > pinion
      Scalar FieldFunctionVolume Fraction of Oil Phase
      UpdateTriggerTime Step
      Update > Time-Step FrequencyFrequency5
  3. Create a plot for the gear torque:
    1. Right-click the Reports node and select New > Flow / Energy > Moment.
    2. Rename the Moment 1 node to Gear Torque.
    3. Select the Gear Torque node and set the following properties:
      Axis[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
      PartsParts > gear
      Smooth ValuesActivated
    4. Right-click the Gear Torque node and select Create Monitor and Plot from Report.
  4. Create a plot for the removed oil particles:
    1. Right-click the Reports node and select New > Particle Remediation > Position-Based Removed Particles.
    2. Select the Position-Based Removed Particles 1 node and set Parts to gearbox.
    3. Right-click the Position-Based Removed Particles 1 node and select Create Monitor and Plot from Report.
    4. Select the Plots > Position-Based Removed Particles 1 Monitor Plot > Data Series > Position-Based Removed Particles 1 Monitor node and activate Accumulate Y-Values.
  5. Save the simulation.