Internal Interface

The internal interface joins two regions within the same continuum.

It can be used to combine together separate regions from the same continuum for in-place interfaces or periodic (cyclic) repeats for Periodic interfaces.

It is possible to combine regions of the same type in the same continuum using an internal interface. In certain cases, it is more efficient to use the fuse function to eliminate the boundaries altogether, resulting in a simpler topology without the interface. It has properties, values, and a pop-up menu.

Internal Interface Properties

You can use the properties that are listed below to adjust the specifications of an Internal Interface node.


Specifies the geometry source option:

  • Boundaries: The interface is a boundary-mode interface, which is created by selecting two boundaries.
  • Contacts: The interface is a contact-mode interface. which is defined directly from part contacts.
Indicates the "fixed" side of the interface (Read Only).
Indicates the "adapted" side of the interface (Read Only).

Vertices from boundary-1 are projected onto boundary-0. The orientation can be swapped through the right-click action Reverse Orientation.

Defines the type of interface. Must be set to Internal Interface.
Defines the connection type between the interfaces:
  • In-place—uses the in-place topology.
  • Periodic—uses the periodic topology.
  • Repeating—uses the repeating topology.
Connectivity (Internal Interface)
Defines how the boundaries on the two sides of the interface are connected. You can select the Metrics-Based manually for a faster interface computation.
  • Conformal—for interfaces within regions that are discretized using the finite element method. At a direct interface, finite element models require a conformal match between the mesh faces on the boundaries that are connected through the interface.

    This connectivity type tries to enforce an exact one-to-one match between the faces on the opposing boundaries.

  • Imprinted—for interfaces within regions that are discretized using the finite volume method. The imprinted connectivity type leads to intersected faces.
  • Metrics-Based—for interfaces, where the face matching is computed through two parent face indices, one area vector, and one centroid vector. This type connectivity does not calculate any vertex matching.
Allow Per-Contact Values
Allows you to define the interface tolerance individually for each contact. Activates the child property Specify by Part Subgroup.
This property is only valid for contact-mode boundary interfaces. See also: Contact-Mode Boundary Interfaces.
Close Adjacent Cells
Creates a watertight intersection by fixing the cell connectivity between the interface faces and side faces along common edges.

With this option, the topology-based intersector adds extra edges to eliminate the gap between the sides, which reduces spurious oscillations in physical quantities.

This property is only available when the Direct Intersector of the Interface Manager node is set to Topology-Based and the Connectivity of the interface is Imprinted.

Close Adjacent Cells is not compatible with DFBI Motion.
Reset on Relative Motion
  • When activated, the interface is reset when there is any relative motion between the two sides.
  • When deactivated, the interface is reset when the relative motion between the two sides exceeds a relative tolerance based upon minimum edge length.
This property is only available when the Connectivity of the interface is Imprinted.

Internal Interface Right-Click Actions

Populates the interface boundary nodes with faces from the original boundaries
Removes initialization for the interface.
Reverse Orientation
Swaps the "fixed" and "adapted" sides of the interface.

Physics Values

Available for all direct interfaces for controlling the intersection tolerance. The available properties are:
Specify by Part Subgroup
Specifies sub-grouping for contact-mode boundary interfaces by which to define independent intersection properties. See also Contact-Mode Boundary Interfaces and 调整交界面相交容差(基于几何的方法).
The remaining properties depend on the setting for the Direct Intersector property. This property is set on the Interfaces node (see Interfaces Properties):
Geometry-Based (Legacy)
This Direct Intersector option activates:
Topology-Based with Connectivity Imprinted
  • Match Outer Boundary: when activated, indicates that the interface boundaries are expected to fully overlap on large-scale topological features. Activate this option only when you expect a complete match of the two boundaries of an interface.

    By default, this property is deactivated.

  • Projection Tolerance: maximum orthogonal projection distance in terms of a fraction of local element diameter. Places a limit on how the vertices of the adapted side get projected onto the fixed side. In cases where the two interface boundaries are separated by greater distances, you can increase the Projection Tolerance value to get fewer remainder faces.

    By default, the tolerance is set to 0.2.

  • Angle Threshold: maximum angle (deg) by which the intersector identifies large-scale features that are mapped from the adapted side onto the fixed side. To preserve sharper features, specify a smaller Angle Threshold value. If the boundary meshes have spurious defects, you can specify a larger value.

    By default, the value is set to 45 deg.

Topology-Based with Connectivity Conformal
  • Conformal Tolerance: detects conformal faces in terms of a fraction of local element diameter. If too many conformal faces are matched then you can lower the value. If too few, it can be increased.

    By default, the value is set to 0.01

  • Nonconformal Tolerance: detects non-conformal faces in terms of a fraction of local element diameter. If too many non-conformal faces are matched then you can lower the value. If too few, it can be increased.

    By default, the value is set to 0.01

  • Match Outer Boundary: when activated, indicates that the interface boundaries are expected to fully overlap on large-scale topological features. Activate this option only when you expect a complete match of the two boundaries of an interface.

    By default, this property is deactivated.

  • Match Feature Curves: when activated, the remainder (unintersected) faces are reduced if the meshes have edge features that match up along feature curves.
  • Projection Tolerance: maximum orthogonal projection distance in terms of a fraction of local element diameter. Places a limit on how the vertices of the adapted side get projected onto the fixed side. In cases where the two interface boundaries are separated by greater distances, you can increase the Projection Tolerance value to get fewer remainder faces.

    By default, the tolerance is set to 0.2.

  • Angle Threshold: maximum angle (deg) by which the intersector identifies large-scale features that are mapped from the adapted side onto the fixed side. To preserve sharper features, specify a smaller Angle Threshold value. If the boundary meshes have spurious defects, you can specify a larger value.

    By default, the value is set to 45 deg.

If the intersection fails, a message is displayed in the output window.