Preparing the Fluid Domain

The internal fluid part does not account for the deformation of the solid sleeve.. To ensure the solid and fluid regions do not overlap, you create a new fluid part by subtracting the internal fluid volume from the deformed vector warp part.

To obtain the fluid geometry:
  1. Right-click the Operations node and select New > Boolean > Subtract.
  2. In the Create Subtract Operation dialog set the following properties, then click OK:
    Property Value
    Input Parts
    • Internal Fluid
    • Vector Warp
    Target Parts Internal Fluid
Before executing the operations, you reorder the operations so that Simcenter STAR-CCM+ extracts the fluid geometry before executing the mesh.
  1. Right-click the Operations node and select Reorder....
  2. In the Reorder Mesh Operations dialog, drag the Automated Mesh Fluid operation below the Subtract operation, so that it is the last operation then click OK.

  3. Right-click the Operations > Subtract node and select Execute.
  4. Rename the Geometry > Parts > Subtract node to Fluid.
Before executing the mesh, you assign the mesh and custom control inputs:
  1. Select the Operations > Automated Mesh Fluid node and set Input Parts to Fluid.
  2. Expand the Automated Mesh Fluid > Custom Controls node and set the following properties:
    SleeveInnerAndFrontPart SurfacesFluid > Vector Warp > Front and Inner.
    SleeveOuterAndNozzleSleeveSectionPart Surfaces
    • Fluid > Vector Warp > Outer
    • Fluid > InternalFluid > NozzleSleeveSection
  3. Save the simulation.