Generating the Normal Modes

The Solid Stress Normal Modes model allows you to calculate the normal modes of a solid structure.

To activate the normal modes solver:
  1. Right-click the Continua > Structure > Models node and select Select Models....
  2. In the Structure Model Selection dialog select the Solid Stress Normal Modes model and click Close.
To perform the Normal Modes analysis:
  1. Select the Solvers > Solid Stress Normal Modes node and check the following properties are set:
    Node Property Value
    Solid Stress Normal Modes Model Compatibility Enforce
    Frequency Selection Method Smallest
    Number of Frequencies 10

    Setting the Model Compatibility property to Enforce ensures there are no incompatible models or effects applied to the regions when calculating the normal modes.

  2. Right-click the Solid Stress Normal Modes solver node and select Perform Normal Modes Analysis.
  3. Once the normal modes have been calculated, right-click the Solids Stress Normal Modes > Normal Modes Results node and select Tabulate....
    The Tabular Data window contains the frequency and eigenvalue data for each of the 10 smallest eigenmodes:
  4. Click Close and save the simulation.