Acoustic Modal Analysis Model Reference

The Acoustic Modal Analysis model is a post-processing model which computes the acoustic frequencies, normalized mode shapes, and linear growth rates for a given geometry and CFD solution. You can use this model to simulate natural frequencies of cavities, or the thermo-acoustic stability of a combustor.

1. Acoustic Modal Analysis Model Reference
Theory See Acoustic Modal Analysis.
Provided By

Select after the CFD solution has converged:

[physics continuum] > Models > Optional Models
Example Node Path Continua > Physics 1 > Models > Acoustic Modal Analysis
A converged solution is required which uses (at least) the following models:
  • Space: Any
  • Time: Steady
  • Material: one of Gas, Liquid, Multi-Component Gas, or Multiphase
  • Flow: Any
  • Equation of State: One of: Ideal Gas, Real Gas, or User-Defined EOS. (Any equation of state model that provides Speed of Sound).
  • Viscous Regime: Any
  • Energy: Any
  • Turbulence (if required): Any
When simulating a reacting flow, also include:
  • Reaction Regime: Reacting
  • Reacting Flow Models: Any
Properties Key properties are: Number of Modes, Flame Transfer Function.

See Acoustic Modal Analysis Properties.

Activates Model Controls (child nodes)
Boundary Inputs See Boundary Settings.
Solvers Acoustic Modal Solver. See Acoustic Modal Solver Properties.
Field Functions Acoustic Pressure Normalized, Acoustic Pressure Normalized - Mode [n], and Acoustic Pressure Phase - Mode [n] . See Field Functions.
Solution Views Acoustic Modes View. See Solution Views.
Simulation Operations See Simulation Operations.

Acoustic Modal Analysis Properties

Number of Modes
The number of acoustic modes P^ that are computed in Eqn. (4777)—a value of 5 represents the 5 lowest eigenvalues (acoustic frequencies ω ).
Shift Frequency
Allows you to specify the frequency (/s or Hz) above which the nearest acoustic modes are calculated.
Flame Transfer Function
Available when using a reacting model. You specify the flame transfer function D(ω) in Eqn. (4777).
The methods available are:
Zero Source
No flame or heat source is accounted for in the acoustic modal solver. D(ω) is omitted from Eqn. (4777).
N-Tau Model
Available when using the Reacting model with the Acoustic Modal Analysis model.
Calculates the flame transfer function/heat release source using Eqn. (4795).
User N-Tau Model
Available when using the Reacting model with the Acoustic Modal Analysis model.
Calculates the flame transfer function/heat release source using Eqn. (4801). Select this option if you have full details of the time lag profile and interaction index.
Secondary Gradients
When On, the secondary gradient contributions are included in the wave propagation term that involves the gradient of acoustic pressure ( ∇⋅(c¯2p^) in Eqn. (4774)). When Off, the secondary gradients are excluded from the acoustic wave equation.

N-Tau Model

Calculates the effect of the unsteady heat release source (due to combustion or an external heat source) on the acoustic pressure using N-Tau flame transfer functions Eqn. (4790) with the specified parameters.

Right-Click Actions
Creates a new N-Tau flame transfer function. You can create multiple flame transfer functions.
A new node N-Tau Model > [n-tau flame transfer function] appears in the simulation tree.
User Heat Release Rate
When activated, enables the Heat Release Rate Profile node which allows you to specify a user-defined heat release rate.
Child Nodes
Heat Release Rate Profile
Specifies the custom heat release input q˙(x) in Eqn. (4794).
[n-tau flame transfer function] Properties
Reference Location
A reference location at the burner inlet, xref in Eqn. (4790).
Reference Direction
nref in Eqn. (4790).
Coordinate System
Defines the coordinate system in which xref and nref are specified.
See Coordinate Systems.
The flame transfer function index.
Interaction Index
You specify the constant value for the amplitude of the flame response n for the interaction index nu(x) (at location x ). Within the flame, nu(x) is calculated by Eqn. (4791).
Time Delay
τ in Eqn. (4795).

User N-Tau Model

Models the effect of the heat release fluctuations on the acoustic field using User N-Tau flame transfer functions Eqn. (4801).

Right-Click Actions
Creates a new N-Tau flame transfer function. You can create multiple flame transfer functions.
A new node User N-Tau Model > [user n-tau flame transfer function] appears in the simulation tree.
User Heat Release Rate
When activated, enables the Heat Release Rate Profile node which allows you to specify a user-defined heat release rate.
Child Nodes
Heat Release Rate Profile
Specifies the custom heat release input q˙(x) in Eqn. (4794).
[user n-tau flame transfer function] Properties
Reference Location
A reference location at the burner inlet, xref in Eqn. (4790).
Reference Direction
nref in Eqn. (4790).
Coordinate System
Defines the coordinate system in which xref and nref are specified.
See Coordinate Systems.
The flame transfer function index.
Bulk Velocity
Ubulk in Eqn. (4802).
Child Nodes
Interaction Index Profile
You specify the interaction index field profile nu(x) in Eqn. (4801).
Time Lag Profile
You specify the spatially distributed time delay field profile τ(x) in Eqn. (4801).

Boundary Settings

All Boundary Types
Acoustic Impedance Specification
Method Corresponding Physics Value Nodes
Perfectly Reflecting
(Default for Wall, Contact, and Symmetry boundaries).
The boundary perfectly reflects acoustic pressure at a hard wall according to Eqn. (4786).
Zero Acoustic Pressure
(Default for all boundary types except Wall, Contact, and Symmetry boundaries).
The acoustic pressure is zero at the boundary—which reflects acoustic waves perfectly, but with a phase-shift of 180 degrees Eqn. (4787).
Specified Impedance
Specifies the magnitude and phase of the reflected acoustic wave, independent of frequency.
Acoustic Impedance
Allows you to specify the complex impedance Z in Eqn. (4788) using a composite polar profile or a composite rectangular profile.
Quadratic Impedance Profile
Specifies the magnitude and phase of the reflected acoustic wave as a quadratic function of frequency.
Acoustic Impedance Z0
Allows you to specify Z0 in Eqn. (4789) using a composite polar profile or a composite rectangular profile.
Acoustic Impedance Z1
Z1 in Eqn. (4789) using a composite polar profile or a composite rectangular profile.
Acoustic Impedance Z2
Z2 in Eqn. (4789) using a composite polar profile or a composite rectangular profile.

Acoustic Modal Solver

Tolerance Scaling Factor
Scales the default convergence tolerance of the eigenvalue solver.
Iteration Scaling Factor
Scales the default maximum number of iterations of the eigenvalue solver.
Stop if Not Enough Memory
When activated, the computation stops if there is insufficient memory.
Specific Right-Click Actions
Solve for Acoustic Modes
Runs the acoustic modal solver with the parameters that are specified. When solved, the frequencies and growth rates of each acoustic mode are printed in the Output window.

Field Functions

Acoustic Pressure Normalized
Available when the scalar scene representation is set to Acoustic Modes View. You can use the Solution Views > Acoustic Modes View node to edit the acoustic mode number that is displayed in scalar scenes which use this field function.
Displays the normalized acoustic pressure throughout the associated region (the acoustic pressure is scaled from 0–1).
See Solution Views.
Acoustic Pressure Normalized - Mode [n]
Displays the normalized acoustic pressure for mode [n] (the acoustic pressure is scaled from 0–1).
Acoustic Pressure Phase - Mode [n]
Displays the phase (in deg) of the acoustic pressure for mode [n] (the acoustic pressure is scaled from 0–1). This value is
φ in Eqn. (4783).

Acoustic Frequency Table

Once the acoustic modes are solved, the acoustic frequency table is displayed in the output window and the Acoustic Modal Analysis > Acoustic Frequency Table node also appears which provides the following functions:
Right-Click Actions
Allows you to export and save a table of acoustic frequencies in .csv format.
Displays tabular data in a pop-out window.
The following example shows 6 modes and their associated frequencies and growth rates. If the growth rate (imaginary part of the acoustic frequency ωi ) is positive, the associated mode is unstable—as highlighted in the example below:

(Read-only). Provides a list of the column names in the extracted table.

Solution Views

Acoustic Modes View
(Read-only). Displays the Acoustic Modes View representation.
Acoustic Mode
The acoustic mode number that is currently displayed in scalar scenes with the Acoustic Pressure Normalized field function active and in which Representation is set to Acoustic Modes View (available after running the Acoustic Modal Solver).
Editing the acoustic mode number, dynamically edits the acoustic mode number that is displayed in the associated scalar scene. The associated scalar scene also displays text stating which acoustic mode is currently displayed, for example: