Using Existing Meshes

Use the volume mesh that is generated from the patch topology to generate a source mesh for the remaining Magnet and Rotor parts.

Note that the Air, Magnet and Rotor parts have contacts defined between them.

  1. As with patch meshing, right-click the Geometry > Operations node and select New > Mesh > Directed Mesh.
  2. In the Create Directed Mesh Operation dialog, select the Magnet part and click OK.
    Only the Magnet and Rotor parts appear in the dialog as the other three parts are already associated with a directed mesh.
  3. Right-click the Operations > Directed Mesh 2 node and select Edit.
  4. In the Directed Mesh 1 window:
    1. Select the top surface of the Magnet part (Magnet:source), right-click the selection, and choose Part Surface (source) > Add to Source.
    2. Select the bottom surface of the Magnet part (Magnet:target), right-click the selection, and choose Part Surface (target) > Add to Target.
    The source surface is displayed in green and the target surface in red.

  5. Right-click the Source Meshes node and select New Source Mesh > Use Existing Mesh.
  6. In the Part Collection For This Source Mesh dialog, select Magnet.
    Simcenter STAR-CCM+ maps the base of the volume mesh for the Air part to the source surface of the Magnet part. It adds an Existing Mesh node, Magnet, to Mesh Settings.
  7. Select the Mesh Distributions > Default Distribution > Default Controls > Number of Layers node and set Number of Layers to 12.
  8. Right-click the Directed Mesh 2 node and select Execute.

  9. Click Close Directed Mesh to return to the simulation tree.
Repeat the process for the Rotor part:
  1. Create a Directed Mesh operation.
  2. Edit the Directed Mesh 3 node and select the source and target surfaces.
  3. Create a source mesh using an existing mesh. Select the Rotor part as the part collection for the source mesh.

  4. Select the Mesh Distributions > Default Distribution > Default Controls > Number of Layers node and set Number of Layers to 12.
  5. Execute the directed mesh operation.
  6. When the volume mesh for the Rotor part is generated, click Close Directed Mesh.
  7. Create a Mesh Scene.
The final mesh is displayed below: