Running the Simulation

You run the unsteady simulation for a maximum physical time of 4 s with a time-step size of 0.005 s.

To run the simulation:

  1. Edit the Solvers node and set the following properties:
    Node Property Setting
    Implicit Unsteady Time-Step 0.005 s
    Segregated EMP Flow > Phase Coupled Velocity Implicit Under-Relaxation Factor 0.6
    Explicit Under-Relaxation Factor 0.5
    K-Epsilon Turbulence Under-Relaxation Factor 0.6
  2. Select the Stopping Criteria > Maximum Inner Iterations node and set Maximum Inner Iterations to 40.
  3. Select the Maximum Physical Time node and set Maximum Physical Time to 4s.
  4. Click (Run) in the Solution toolbar.
  5. When the simulation has finished running, save it.