Setting the Outputs for the Study

Define the output parameters for optimization and post-processing.

Outputs include responses, which are based on reports from the reference simulation.

For this optimization study, you define two responses—one for the lift coefficient report and one for the drag coefficient report. You then use these responses to set the objectives for the Pareto optimization (maximize lift and minimize drag). Additionally, you record the Mach Number and Pressure scenes for each design.

To define the responses:
  1. Select the Cl_vs_Cd > Responses node.
  2. Select the Responses property and click (Custom Editor).
  3. In the Responses - Responses dialog, select the Cd, Cl, and Cl over Cd reports, then click OK.
  4. Expand the Responses node.
  5. Edit the Cd node and set the following properties:
    Parameter Setting
    Is Objective Activated
    Objective Properties
    Goal Minimum (default)
    Normalization Type Baseline Normalization (default)
  6. Edit the Cl node and set the following properties:
    Parameter Setting
    Is Objective Activated
    Objective Properties
    Goal Maximum
    Normalization Type Baseline Normalization (default)
  7. Select the scenes required for post-processing:
    1. Select the Cl_vs_Cd > Scenes node.
    2. Select the Scenes property and click (Custom Editor).
    3. In the Scenes - Scenes dialog, select MachNumberScalar and PressureFieldScalar, then click OK.
  8. Select the plots for post-processing:
    1. Select the Cl_vs_Cd > Plots node.
    2. Select the Plots property and click (Custom Editor).
    3. Right-click an empty space in the dialog and click Select All.
      Simcenter STAR-CCM+ adds the Cl Convergence, Cd Convergence, and Residuals plots to the design study outputs. You can use these plots to monitor the convergence of a design in the post-processing stage.
  9. Save the Design Manager project.