Running the Simulation

Before running the simulation, you define the stopping criteria. You are advised to run this tutorial on a multi-core machine with four cores.

  1. To run on multiple cores:
    1. Save the simulation then close Simcenter STAR-CCM+.
    2. Launch Simcenter STAR-CCM+ again and select File > Load.
    3. In the Load a File dialog, activate Parallel on Local Host and set Compute Processes to 4.
    4. Click Browse and select the PartBasedShells.sim file saved previously.
    5. Click OK.
  2. Within the simulation tree, edit the Stopping Criteria node and set the following property
    Node Property Setting
    Maximum Steps Enabled Activated
    Maximum Steps 500
To run the simulation:
  1. Click (Run) in the Solution toolbar.
    If left alone, the simulation continues until 500 iterations are complete. On completion, the temperature distribution appears as follows:

  2. When the simulation has finished running, save it.