
Once the study starts to run, Design Manager arranges the relevant post-processing elements in a dashboard. The post-processing elements that appear in the dashboard depend on the study type.

For a Pareto optimization, the pre-configured dashboard contains:
  • Design Output Table
  • Pie Chart based on the design status.
  • Pareto Plot of Pressure Drop and Outlet_N2_SurfaceStandardDeviation in all the Pareto ranks. Rank 1 determines the Pareto front of the competing objectives.
  • Parallel Plot of the responses Pressure Drop and Outlet_N2_SurfaceStandardDeviation with respect to the parameter FinAngle.
  • Snapshot of the first scene—N2_MassFraction.

The results that you obtain in your optimization study can differ from the results displayed below. When performing optimization studies, Design Manager uses a random seed point and assesses each design in a random manner, steering the solution towards the optimized design. Results that are displayed below are for illustrative purposes.

The default parallel plot provides the correlation of the design responses in the design space.
  1. To display the sampled distribution and correlation of the design input parameters, modify the parallel coordinates plot as follows:
    1. Right-click the Data Series > Optimization node and select Quick Setup.
    2. In the Data Set Quick Setup dialog, click Select... next to the Axis Data option.
    3. In the dialog, deselect the Responses and select all the input parameters under the Input Parameters node.

    4. Click OK.

  2. Some designs violate the Maximum Constraint you set for the response Outlet_N2_SurfaceStandardDeviation . To display only the Feasible designs:
    1. Expand the Design Studies > Optimization > Design Sets node.
    2. Double-click the Feasible node.

    3. Close the Output Table - Optimization - Feasible window.
  3. Save the Design Manager project.