
The Automation node provides easy access to a number of frequently used automated processes.

The following automated processes are accessible under the Automation node:
ParametersSet a global parameter for either a scalar or a vector physical quantity or for a file.
Field FunctionsField Functions allow you to access fields (scalar or vector data that are evaluated at cells, vertices, or boundary faces) in Simcenter STAR-CCM+.
Simulation OperationsSimulation Operations allow you to automate the solution processes in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ without using Java macros.
FiltersFilters allow you to define a group of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ objects, based on a query.
TagsTags are like graphical labels that can be applied to objects in the simulation tree. You can then reference objects by tag, when using filters.
StagesStages are used to store multiple physics settings for a single simulation.
Update EventsUser-defined update events allow you to trigger an update based on monitor values and provide more flexibility compared to the built-in trigger types.
Time ScalesTime Scales provide a method for grouping multiple continua together and specifying stopping criteria (and time-step size in case of unsteady modeling) for each continua group.

More information about the use of automated processes is given in this article on User Experience and Workflow Efficiency.