MMP-Lagrangian Phase Interaction Model Reference

Lagrangian models track individual dispersed particles through the domain, while Mixture Multiphase models track the volume fractions of two or more interpenetrating phases. When using both modeling techniques, you can link the two forms of modeling with an MMP-Lagrangian phase interaction model. This model is selected automatically when you create a phase interaction between a Lagrangian phase and an MMP phase.

The MMP-Lagrangian Phase Interaction model allows you to select the phases that are involved in interactions when Lagrangian particles impinge on an MMP phase. Additionally, the MMP-Lagrangian phase interaction provides the Resolved Transition model to simplify small Eulerian blobs by using Lagrangian parcels, and the Subgrid Transition model to transition subgrid-scale Lagrangian parcel clouds to an MMP mixture.

Provided By Multiphase Interaction > Phase Interactions > [phase interaction] > Models > Phase Interaction Topology
Example Node Path Multiphase Interaction > Phase Interactions > [phase interaction] > Models > MMP-Lagrangian Phase Interaction

In the physics continuum:

  • Material: Multiphase
  • Multiphase Model: Mixture Multiphase (MMP)
  • Optional Models: Multiphase Interaction (selected automatically) , Lagrangian Multiphase
The appropriate Eulerian phase and a corresponding free-stream Lagrangian phase defined.
Properties Key properties are: Lagrangian Phase, MMP Phase. See MMP-Lagrangian Phase Interaction Properties.
Activates Physics Models
The following models are available in the Optional Models group box:

MMP-Lagrangian Phase Interaction Properties

Lagrangian Phase
The Lagrangian phase of the interacting pair.
MMP Phase
The MMP phase of the interacting pair.