Generating the Volume Mesh

Generate mesh for die and extrusion. The following steps create a volume mesh suitable for use with the finite element method.

This procedure meshes the die and the extrusion separately. Both get directed meshes, but the extrusion mesh uses a stretch function to increase the length of the cells further from the die. Extrusions must have directed meshes, directed in the direction of the extrusion. The die region does not require a directed mesh; for more complex geometries, use simpler methods such as tetrahedral meshing.

Specify the mesh for the die.
  1. Right-click Geometry > Operations and select New > Mesh > Directed Mesh.
  2. In the Create Directed Mesh Operation dialog, select die, then click OK.
  3. Right-click Operations > Directed Mesh and select Edit...
    The Directed Mesh tab opens.
  4. In the Directed Mesh tab, select Source Surfaces and set Source Surfaces to inlet.
  5. Select Target Surfaces and set Target Surfaces to die interface.
The directed mesher creates a mesh by sweeping an initial mesh from the source surface to the target surface.
  1. Set the base size for the mesh:
    1. Right-click Source Meshes and select New Source Mesh > Automated Source Mesh.
    2. In the Part Collection For This Source Mesh dialog, select die in the upper pane. From within the Select Meshers group box, select Triangular Mesher and Prism Layer Mesher. Click OK.
    3. Select Source Meshes > Auto Mesh > Default Controls > Base Size and set Value to 3.0 mm.
    4. Right-click Auto Mesh and select Update...
  2. Set the number of layers:
    1. Right-click Mesh Distributions and select New Volume Distribution.
    2. In the Parts for creating a new mesh distribution dialog, select die and click OK.
    3. Select Mesh Distributions > Volume Distribution > Default Controls > Number of Layers and set Number of Layers to 10.
  3. At the top of the object tree, right-click Directed Mesh and select Execute.
    Simcenter STAR-CCM+ sweeps the source mesh along the part.
  4. Click Close Directed Mesh at the bottom of the Directed Mesh tab.
Specify the mesh for the extrusion:
  1. Right-click Geometry > Operations and select New > Mesh > Directed Mesh.
  2. In the Create Directed Mesh Operation dialog, select extrusion, then click OK.
  3. Right-click Operations > Directed Mesh 2 and select Edit...
    The Directed Mesh tab opens.
  4. In the Directed Mesh tab, select Source Surfaces and set Source Surfaces to extrusion interface.
  5. Select Target Surfaces and set Target Surfaces to outflow.
  6. Extend the die mesh into this part:
    1. Right-click Source Meshes and select New Source Mesh > Use Existing Mesh.
    2. In the Part Collection For This Source Mesh dialog, select extrusion, then click OK.
  7. Set the number of layers and their distribution:
    1. Right-click Mesh Distributions and select New Volume Distribution.
    2. In the Parts for creating a new mesh distribution dialog, select extrusion and click OK.
    3. Select Mesh Distributions > Volume Distribution > Default Controls > Number of Layers and set Number of Layers to 25.
    4. Select Volume Distribution > Default Controls > Stretching Function and set Stretching Method to One Sided Hyperbolic.
    5. Select Stretching Function > One Sided Options > Stretch Value and set Stretch Value to 2.2.
      This sets the stretching factor. See the Hyperbolic Tangent stretching function.
  8. At the top of the tree, right-click Directed Mesh 2 and select Execute.
  9. Click Close Directed Mesh at the bottom of the Directed Mesh tab.
Visualize the final mesh:
  1. Click Create/Open Scenes and select Mesh to show the mesh scene.

  2. Save the simulation.