Chemical Equilibrium Table Reference
The Chemical Equilibrium model uses a flamelet table called the Chemical Equilibrium Table.
Chemical Equilibrium Table Generator
- Properties
- None
- Right-Click Actions
- Import Table…
- Loads a previously saved Chemical Equilibrium table.
- Delete Table
- Removes a stored table from memory. The flamelet table must be deleted before making changes to the table settings.
- Stop Calculations
- Stops the calculations during the flamelet library generation.
- Child Nodes
The Chemical Equilibrium Table Generator node contains the following sub-nodes:
- Chemistry Definition
- Fluid Streams (see Fluid Streams Reference)
- Parameters
- Chemical Equilibrium Table
Chemistry Definition
The Chemistry Definition describes the species and their thermodynamic properties, from which chemical equilibrium is calculated.- Properties
- None
- Right-Click Actions
- Import Complex Chemistry Definition (Chemkin format)
- Activates a standard Open dialog that imports a library file for the complex chemistry definition in Chemkin™ format.
- Select Mixture Components
- Opens a dialog which allows you to manually select the species from the Material Databases that are available. Use this option if you don't have a Chemkin format mechanism with the species.
- Delete Complex Chemistry Definition
- Removes the library that is used for the chemistry definition.
- Properties
- Table Precision
- Specifies the precision—Single or Double—to which the flamelet table is generated. The default is Single.
- Child Nodes
- Value
- The pressure that is used when generating the flamelet table.
- Species
- Allows you to select which species are stored in the flamelet table. These species are then made available in a simulation, for example, to use for post-processing in contours or reports.
- Thermal NOx
- When activated, the NOx source term coefficients are calculated and tabulated.
- Minimum Temperature
- Specifies the minimum temperature for enthalpy normalization in the flamelet table.
- Allows you to define the dimensions for the flamelet table. See Table Dimensions Reference.
Specifies the heat loss ratio range. You can increase the enthalpy space that is covered in the Flamelet table in response to heat loss ratio warnings, or decrease it for better resolution. For example, if your simulation involves heat loss only, with no heat gain, you can set the minimum heat loss ratio limit to 0 and the maximum heat loss ratio to 1.0.
You can set either the minimum heat loss ratio limit or the maximum heat loss ratio limit to 0, but you cannot have both set to 0 at the same time.
- Minimum Heat Loss Ratio
- Sets the minimum heat loss ratio limit.
- Maximum Heat Loss Ratio
- Sets the maximum heat loss ratio limit. However, if the resulting minimum temperature drops below a physical limit, the temperature is clipped to the table minimum temperature that is specified at the table generation.
Chemical Equilibrium Table
- Properties
- Save Table in .sim File
- When activated, stores the flamelet table in the sim file. When deactivated, the flamelet table is not stored in the .sim file—which is useful to save disk space when using the same flamelet table in different .sim files, or when auto-saving many sim files. If the flamelet table is required for future use, you must export it manually by right-clicking the flamelet table node and selecting Export Table. Then save it separately from the .sim file.
- Path for Table Read
- Specifies the file path location of the flamelet table file that has been exported from Simcenter STAR-CCM+ and saved previously. Useful to reduce the .sim file size and save disk space when several .sim files use the same flamelet table.
- Verbosity
- When activated, if selected tolerance criteria are not met in adaptive grid generation steps, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ prints a summary of tolerance warnings to the Output window at each step during the table generation.
- High Mixture Fraction Limit
- For mixture fraction values above a certain limit, the mixture can fail to burn because it is too fuel-rich. Simcenter STAR-CCM+ does not perform the chemical equilibrium calculation above this limit, but calculates a composition for a non-reacting state that is based on pure mixing. To impose this non-reacting state, set this property at less than 1.0.
- High Limit Window Size
- Allows for a gradual change in flow properties from the reacting to the non-reacting state. Specifically, when you set High Mixture Fraction Limit to a value less than 1.0, the transition from the reacting chemical equilibrium state to the non-reacting pure mixing state can be abrupt as well as discontinuous. The greater the High Limit Window Size (from 0.0 through 1.0), the smoother the transition between the two states.
- Right-Click Actions
- Generate Chemical Equilibrium and Construct Table
- Generates Chemical Equilibrium flamelet libraries and constructs flamelet table.
- Print Estimated Maximum Table Size
- Prints the estimated maximum table size (in KB) in the output window. This value also appears as a read-only property of the Table Dimensions node.
- Export Table
- Saves a table that is stored in Simcenter STAR-CCM+’s memory to a file with extension .tbl.
- Delete Table
- Removes a stored table from memory. The flamelet table must be deleted before making changes to the table settings.
- Stop Calculations
- Stops the calculations during the flamelet library generation.
- Print Table Summary
- The Output window displays a summary of the table parameters and conditions with which the table was built. When running the simulation, if the current parameters and conditions differ from those that were specified when the table was built, a warning is displayed in the Output window at each iteration.
- Child Nodes
- Contains sub-nodes for each of the table dimensions. Each table dimensions sub-node displays the read only, Number of Grid Points, that are used from the data for that parameter. The values are specified before building the table by defining settings under the Table Dimensions node. See Table Dimensions Reference.
- To visualize the chemical equilibrium flamelet table, you can create an XY plot—right-click this node and select New Plot. See Flamelet Table XY Plot Reference.