Solution History Reference
Solution histories govern the writing of solution data to simulation history files.
Solution History Properties
- Simulation History Properties
- Auto-record
- When activated, the selected solution data is written to the simulation history file at the specified time intervals. When this option is activated, an asterisk appears besides the simulation history file node in the object tree. This property is activated by default.
- Export for reporting
When activated, the export includes any auxiliary field functions that are required for all standard scalar and vector reports. This property is deactivated by default. See Simulation History Phase Data.
When you are exporting data from a case that has overset meshes, and you include standalone boundaries, activate this property. When activated for an overset case, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ automatically includes the field, Visualization Cell Status among the selections for the Functions property. Thereafter, when visualizing this data from the simulation history file, STAR-CCM+ uses the Visualization Cell Status to correctly display the standalone boundary. That is, faces that are culled by the overset method are not shown in the display.
- Export inputs at non-native locations
By default, data on all inputs are exported at their native location (cell centers for Finite Volume meshes, and nodes for Finite Element meshes). When you activate this property, data is exported at both native and non-native locations. For Finite Volume meshes, this property causes Simcenter STAR-CCM+ to export data at vertices of standalone boundaries and surfaces in addition to data at face centers. The data is interpolated to vertices before export. For Finite Element meshes, this property causes Simcenter STAR-CCM+ to export data at face centers in addition to data at vertices (after interpolation). Activate this property when you include standalone boundaries and surfaces in the simulation history file, and when you are likely to require smoothed data scenes in subsequent uses of the simulation history data.
注 Activating this option can significantly increase the size of the simulation history file. - Auto-Rescan
- When active, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ refreshes the data stored in the representation for the corresponding solution view after each export of data to the simulation history file. This means that the states available through the representation are always synchronized with the states contained in the simulation history file.
- Functions
- Allows you to select the desired scalar or vector field functions you wish to save to the simulation history file. See "Simulation History Phase Data" for Lagrangian Data and for DEM Data.
注 If a single-valued field function (for example, a report field function) is saved to a simulation history file, it cannot also be used within a single-valued property field (such as in the set up of initial conditions). If it is referenced twice in this way, then due to internal arrangements, the function is consequently no longer considered as single-valued and a non-fatal error is output. - Inputs
- Allows you to select the boundaries,
part surfaces, derived parts, Lagrangian phases, phase
injectors for which you want to save data to
the simulation history file.
injector data to be recorded in the simulation history file, you
select the Retain Injected
注 The boundaries, part surfaces, derived parts, phases, and injectors that you select with this option are exported as standalone objects. Their underlying 3D source data does not get exported. This omission reduces the size of the simulation history file to which they are exported. If a boundary has a great number of part surfaces, you can choose to export individual part surfaces rather than the entire boundary. node and activate - Path
- Displays the relative path to the
simulation history file where the solution data is written.
(Property Customizer) displays the absolute path to the simulation history file. You cannot edit this path.
注 If you are working with a new simulation file that is not yet saved, and you create the solution history definition before saving the simulation, this path is stored as an absolute path instead of a relative path. - State
- Displays the number of saved states that are present in the simulation history file.
- Compression mode
- Compresses data for a reduced file size. The compressed file format is
(Hierarchical Data Format, or HDF). The options are as follows:- Off—no reduction in file size is attempted.
- Lossless—uses standard binary compression so that no precision is lost when saving field values.
- Lossy—applies greater compression which may result in some loss of precision in field values. You can control the number of preserved significant digits using the sub-node , which appears in the solution history node when this option is selected.
The value of Preserved Digits can range between 1 to 8, and specifies the number of significant digits of a floating point value that is kept when applying compression. The lower the number, the greater the compression and smaller the file size. Thus, a value of 1 for Preserved Digits implies maximum lossy compression.
注 Maximizing lossy compression can yield unexpected results. For example, streamlines of certain data might not be visible. (This streamline behavior was traced to the fact that the lowest velocity values can be omitted by maximum lossy compression.)
注 In the current release, only surface and volume data, that is, mesh information and field data, is saved in compressed format when you activate compression. Moreover, to preserve network connectivity, compression is not applied to coordinate values (such as for mesh vertices). - Regions
- Allows you to select the regions that you wish to save to the simulation history file.
注 If the region you select shares an interface with another region, select both regions. If you select only one of the regions sharing the interface, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ displays a server error.
Specific Right-Click Actions
- Create Snapshot
- Creates a snapshot of the current solution and adds it to the simulation history file. This option is useful for comparing different design iterations.
- Create Recorded Solution View
- Creates a recorded solution view sub-node in the Solution Views node. From here, you are able to control the time of the solution that is stored in the simulation history file.
- Rescan
- Rescans the simulation history file to determine whether there were any states added to it since you last used the file.
- Clear
- Clears the solution history data from the simulation history file. The simulation history file is deleted and recreated the next time data is written to it, either through a manual capture (snapshot) or automatically (auto-record).
- Delete
- Removes the simulation history from the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ object tree; this action does not delete the simulation history file from the disk.