/lustre/apps/ansys/191/ansys_inc/v191/fluent/fluent19.1.0/lnamd64/3ddp_node/fluent_mpi.19.1.0': free(): corrupted unsorted chunks: 0x000000000592a800 ***
ask the customer if he is using UDFs
This error can occur because of a corrupted pointer which the system uses to keep track of space that has been malloc()ed.The most common causes for this type of corruption are (1) using an uninitialized pointer and (2) writing more data into memory than was allocated for the buffer into which the data is being written
fluent_mpi executable is trying to free up some memory but the pointer to the memory area was corrupted
"Corrupted unsorted chunks" is usually related to memory issue (OutOfMemory)
【Fluent】Fluent 后处理中变量体积百分比处理方法
【仿真技巧】Fluent remote visualization client 远程可视化客户端功能
【仿真技巧】fluent TUI使用技巧及燃烧室自动化仿真案例
【仿真技巧】The fl process could not be started怎么处理
2021R2 CFX新功能
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: Ansys 流体大本营