本案例利用free surface边界条件计算平面膨胀流动。
1 模型描述
计算模型及边界条件如下图所示。计算区域宽1 cm,计算域I与计算域II长度均为4 cm,入口为体积流量边界,流量Q=1 cm3/s
2 Polyflow设置
2.1 创建Task
创建任务2D planar, steady-state.
创建子任务:Generalized Newtonian Isothermal flow problem
选择区域为:subdomain 1及subdomain 2
2.2 Material data
选择Shear-rate dependence of viscosity
设置常数粘度: fac = 1 Poise
No density
no inertia
no gravity
2.3 Flow boundary conditions
BS1: inflow: Volumetric flow rate Q = 1 (automatic, volumetric)
BS2: vn = 0, vs = 0
BS3: free surface
Boundary conditions:Free surface starts at intersection with BS2
BS4: fn = 0, fs = 0
BS5: fs = 0, vn = 0
2.4 Remeshing
选择Global remeshing
选择1-st local remeshing
Domain: subdomain 2
Method of spines.
Inlet: intersection with S1
Outlet: intersection with BS4
2.5 Assign stream function
PSI = 0 at the node closest to coordinates (1, 0)
2.6 Outputs
Default output : CFD-Post
System of units for CFD-Post: metric_cm/ g/ s/ A+Celsius
2.7 Save and Exit
Mesh file: swell.msh
Data file: swell.dat
Result file: res
CFD-Post: cfx.res
3 计算结果
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: CFD之道